
27 Apr 2024

Longford District Court: Man facing public order charges

Longford District Court: Man facing public order charges

A father of two accused of being found drunk and using threatening and abusive behaviour has indicated his intention to plead guilty to both charges.

William Murphy (39) 1A Pearse Drive, Longford, appeared before last week’s sitting of Longford District Court charged with section 4 and section 6 public order.
It is alleged both offences took place at Pearse Drive, Longford on May 1 2023.

When the case came before Judge Bernadette Owens last Tuesday, Mr Murphy initially appeared without legal representation and intimated he would be pleading guilty.
The factory worker was advised by Sgt Mark Mahon, prosecuting, to seek out the services of a solicitor.

Legal aid was granted to Mr Murphy after the accused chose John Quinn to represent him.
The case was adjourned to June 20 to allow for full disclosure of all documents and statements in relation to the case to be furnished to the defence.

Judge Bernadette Owens adjourned the case to a sitting of Longford District Court on June 20 for a plea or date for hearing.

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